“Exploring ‘My Place(s) in this World’ through making art”, Midwest Institute for International & Intercultural Education 21st Annual Conference, Columbus State Community College – April 2014
Abstract: This presentation explores a course module created to challenge students to explore how their lives connect to the lives of others and the world around them through the creation of artwork. I will be talking about assignments used and showing student artwork that has been created through the implementation of a course module that was developed as a result of the Human Rights and Cultural Diversity workshop at MII in summer 2013. This module is in its second semester of being implemented in an Art Experience studio course, which is a course designed for students not majoring in art. This module was designed to facilitate student visual and conceptual exploration of how they exist in and (can) contribute to the larger world. Thinking like artists, students identify problems, gather information, process it thoughtfully and assess the results. Activities that facilitate this include the investigation of materials, techniques, historical background, contemporary theory and exposure to works by historical and contemporary artists who use visual media to construct, interact with, or affect/challenge their sociopolitical environment/context/world (such as activist artists). Course work is process driven with emphasis placed upon the experience of a variety of art materials and how visual media can be used to express meaning.
Abstract: This presentation explores a course module created to challenge students to explore how their lives connect to the lives of others and the world around them through the creation of artwork. I will be talking about assignments used and showing student artwork that has been created through the implementation of a course module that was developed as a result of the Human Rights and Cultural Diversity workshop at MII in summer 2013. This module is in its second semester of being implemented in an Art Experience studio course, which is a course designed for students not majoring in art. This module was designed to facilitate student visual and conceptual exploration of how they exist in and (can) contribute to the larger world. Thinking like artists, students identify problems, gather information, process it thoughtfully and assess the results. Activities that facilitate this include the investigation of materials, techniques, historical background, contemporary theory and exposure to works by historical and contemporary artists who use visual media to construct, interact with, or affect/challenge their sociopolitical environment/context/world (such as activist artists). Course work is process driven with emphasis placed upon the experience of a variety of art materials and how visual media can be used to express meaning.